a mixture of a monster energy drink and a slushie
Hey Jeremiah I have a slushie and you have a monster, lets make a mushie.
by titsburg69 November 13, 2011
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Telephone greeting meaning "hello" in Japanese
*phone rings*picks up*"Mushi mushi, hows it going Harold"
by Richard Castle August 8, 2007
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Crapy/blownout waves!When the wind makes the waves really bad and crapy.
Damn those waves are mushy today.
by wiggaasdasdasd September 2, 2005
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mommas fish pie
lips betwee a girls hips
poon tang
the pink canoe

a stupid girl

basically anything you want it to mean
"*sniff*sniff*..SMELLS LIKE MUSHY!"
"you hoe, pull down yo pants so i can have the mushy platter w/ a side of PACHINGCHANG!"
"hunny..come back to bed before your mushy gets cold!"
"man.. that mushy jut stole my five dollars! what a MUSHY!!"
by MOMO March 3, 2004
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1.Alot,lots of,big,uber,ultra,ect..
2.A japanese telephone greeting for when you answer a phone.
You rock Jenny... P.S, Mushi love! ^.^
by gmfreak356 May 13, 2008
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after a few drinks i was getting a little mushy
by g cams August 27, 2007
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