A cute little Jew who looks like he is 10. Has played in a show called Hell's Kitchen, where he played as a gay loser who pisses off the actors. Many Maxwells tend to light up a certain red when they are embarrassed, and their cheeks become as red as "my jacket." Maxwells are also perverts who like to jack off consistently, such as inappropriate times like during class, and during lacrosse practice.
Ryan: Dude i think that guy jacking off in the corner is maxwell.

Auhbon: oh yeah it probably is, because max always jacks off at random times. God dam that kid max is just sooo horny.
by Cutiepieee March 17, 2009
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Usually a very small kid who isn’t very intelligent but has a wide variety of books he enjoys to read. Never over 160 pounds and arms and legs resembles that of tree branches.
Dude do you see that kid MAXWELL you think he fucked dudes?
by Dimitir.petkov February 14, 2020
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From the Latin for "the pterodactyl strikes at midnight", Maxwell's tend to be fierce addicts. Whether it be coffee or cocaine, or vape and marijuana you can always expect a maxwell to be hyped up on the sweet juice. Make great friends and even better human shields, you can always count on a maxwell to be useful. When they run out of use you can always return them for the extended warranty. Nice, courageous, and perpetually high.
"That Maxwell was really high when I used him for a human shield in that mob war. You want to go get some froyo?"
by VapeGod6x6 April 24, 2017
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The unfortunate formation of "max" and "well" ultimately meaning "extreme faggot."
You see the guy over there wearing those skinny jeans? He's such a Maxwell.

You never did that before you Maxwell.

I sense a Maxwell everyone run.

DOTOR: Sorry to tell you this but you in the third most deadly and incurable stage of Maxwellness. You are expected to remain straight for 2 more hours then all hope will be lost for you.
by Truth Teller 3000 August 11, 2009
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He is a great guy but he cheats. He is handsome and very smart. He is an overall lady killer
Maxwell is my friend
by Llkksss November 16, 2017
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how to describe someone who only thinks of themselves and whenever you think that they are helping you they are really just planning how to make something in THEIR lives better; an egotistical person
He just made me cry just to make himself feel better, he is so Maxwell!
by Alli Mae January 26, 2006
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When people see him they say “his cock is too big for me😞” everyone thinks he’s sexy as fuck and he is very smart and sexy and probably fucked your sister “I don’t have a sister” you say, well you will soon and she’s gonna have a big cock just like Maxwell.
I died from Maxwells cock entering me”
by Jhonwick78 January 12, 2021
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