A douche bag, typically a business owner, his daughter will be smokin hot and will get pregnant at a young age.
Dude his daughter totally pulled a lenny
by Thatguyjoe February 19, 2020
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noun. A Lenny is a fake or imaginary person. Usually someone's imaginary boyfriend who doesn't really exist.
She's so lying. Her boyfriend is just a Lenny.

She's just blabbing about some Lenny of hers.
by Rev.StrychnineTwitch July 5, 2011
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The viscous, detestable discharge that signals the end of a woman's menstruation cycle. Also tends to be a fair-weather Pittsburgh fan. See also: douche sandwich.
1.) Aw, disgusting! That girl just left some Lenny on the toilet seat.

2.) Lenny, where is all your Pirates gear?
by Mr. Tibet April 29, 2010
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Used to describe a person who's face looks like an animal in some way.
- Dude, that girl looks like a duck!
-She's a lenny.
by Moscow... April 7, 2011
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A stuffed animal ( usually a lamb) that gets repeatly fucked and has a hole in its butt
Tyler stop fucking lenny the poor thing had enough
by Not_Tyler August 12, 2017
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Annoying and may have the the power of giving people strokes.
by Lenny William January 2, 2019
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