Somobody who isn't impprtant
by Micks Jagger May 5, 2020
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You are irrelevant if:

1)you used to be cool but you aren't and no one likes you

2) you make comments that no one listens to because they are unimportant and random
You are being irrelevant if:
1)you say something completely random that does not contribute to the conversation in the least
Person1: man I love pineapple
Person2: omg same! It hurts my mouth sometimes though
Ratchet:omg ur so irrelevant

Person1&2: no. You're irrelevant for saying that because it doesn't make sense bye bitch
*spongebob dude voice*: 3 years later
person2: hey whatever happened to ratchet

Perspn1: oh they're so irrelevant now it doesn't even matter what's up with them
by marshfieldsmelllikelowtide August 5, 2015
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That which is not applicable or pertinent to the topic at hand.
(in response to someone's comment) IRRELEVATED! You're a fuckin idiot.
by PSUJON February 20, 2010
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A word that can be put in front of any word you want and it becomes amusing. It can be used as an adjective to describe anything.
Taco makes me feel all kinds of irrelevant.

Samantha looks so irrelevant today.
by Sincerely Jordan September 22, 2008
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What actual uptight, unsecure people call people who dont involve them selfs in pointless, overrated, boringass drama
Girl #1 : Shes so irrelevant
Girl #2 : Totally

Girl #1 has a panic attack cause she thinks she becoming irrelevant

Fyi....she has been for a long time
by RandomOfCourse October 21, 2019
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