One of the best furry artist in the world
by Razak September 5, 2003
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Sudden change in heart or a radical mood swing for no obvious reason.
"I thought he wanted to go out, then he went all a husky on me"
by wileyD February 18, 2014
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The team name of the most B.A. high school in Colorado...and America period.
by Adawn March 22, 2009
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(adj) describing the attitude of one who is temporarily disrespectful or confrontational to another according to a disinterested third party.
Person A (to person B): Step off, do'!
Person C (to B): He gettin husky witchoo, yun-boo.
Person B (to C): Fashizzle.
by eugeneIIIm May 15, 2004
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Term in the furry community used to describe a stinky or sweaty individual with poor hygiene.
Dazzlefox hasn't taken off his fursuit since the convention started, he's such a musky husky.
by PLAYERUNKNOWN April 13, 2019
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A demonic little creature who eats your shoes, pees on the floor, and sheds everywhere yet still ends up to be the sweetest dog you'll ever encounter.
Non-husky Owner: omG i looove huskys tehy are the BESTESTIEST dogs everrr

Siberian Husky "owner": He's a lil shit.
by Yogurt the Potato June 3, 2014
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A nick name in the furry community for someone who chooses a husky as their alternative persona. This title can be also used off label for any thing related to the domesticated dog husky.
Person 1 Did you hear John is now roleplaying as a husky.

Person 2 Guess that would make him a husky butt now...
by Shepherd the Dog August 15, 2011
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