A speed dater is someone that wastes no time on finding their lifelong partner. All dates are considered for the role. If the person chosen for a date doesn't fit his/her idea of a partner the date will be dumped and speed dater will move to the next worthy contender..
Ashley might speed dater and date a lot of men but she is on a mission to find her a husband. Ashley is not a whore.
Bill says that he will stay single until he meets his wife but will bang any female that wants to apply for the position. No strings attached.
by ManEaters anonymous March 11, 2017
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A dating situation where you have sex with the other person first and then go on dates, dinner, drinks,movies,
Dont go out with John, he is a backward dater.
by warped_asylum_junkie February 21, 2011
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A micro-dater is one who dates for the short term simply for the sake of dating; a micro-dater will have numerous partners over a short amount of time and will have no qualms about continuing this pattern.
There may be commitment issues and the suggestion of settling down or dating anyone long-term will cause the micro-dater to disengage from the situation.
"Wow, is that Frank's third girlfriend this month?"
"Yeah, but it should surprise you, he's a chronic micro-dater."
by Schipotle April 5, 2010
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Usually female, who starts off with a profile on a free dating website. She has been on that website for years and often updates her picture to hind the fact she might get recognised from years past.

Her intent is to go on an all expenses paid date knowingly that she'll never work towards a relationship with the average Joe.

She's only interested in a single date as she thinks she's better than the guy but reality shows she's just an average Jane herself. She is quite happy to have drinks and a meals paid for her and won't buy a round back. She's already working on how to let you down in her text message that she'll send you later that evening.

You've popped off to the toilet and she's on her phone looking for the next victim.
I recognise that girls photo on plenty of fish from when I was single 2 years ago and 2 years ago from then ......and another 2 years from then! She's still on there.... Definitely avoid her as she's such a serial dater.....
by Uniqueguy October 1, 2018
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when someone apprciates their own relationship to the point that it makes everyone around them want to throw up
dude frank is always boasting about his girlfriend analyse, hes a smug dater.
by whitepowerboy December 4, 2009
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A missionary dater is one of a religious faith, commonly Christianity, dating a person with differing beliefs (or commonly no beliefs at all), for the purpose of changing that person's beliefs or religion.
Carrie: There are far too many guys out there that don't have my same belief system so I shun them. But aren't I called to spread the good news..? *sigh* Life's busy and time too precious to waste it dating a nonbeliever...
Casey: "Heckkk no. I ain't no missionary dater!"
by K-Howard October 5, 2015
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1. Junky Dater is a term to refer to bad data, or junk data. This can be a case of GIGO, or just bad input from the users end. Generally refered to in computer testing and why the applications are so buggy, but can relate to anything. Generally cause by hardcoding examples to the C Driver.

2. Someone who is bad at dating.
Boss: Why do all these letters print out of the system wrong?!
Tang Banger: Umm, uh...Junky Dater.
Boss: Oh, ok then, here's a raise.

Female 1: Did you go out with Steve last night?
Female 2: Yes, but he turned out to be a Junky Dater!
by Ghetto Fabulous Wanksta February 13, 2006
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