a town that used to have industry but now just has kebab shops and townies.
stuck right in the middle of the beautiful cheshire countryside like a festering zit.
dont know where Crewe, VA is(see other definition) but dont move to crewe cheshire either.
by Mr Flibble December 27, 2005
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A sport. It looks easy from the land but in reality it requires a LOT of technique, rhythm, focus, and down right power. If your hand movements are sloppy or every person in the boat is not together the boat will not move efficiently and you will exhaust your self for no reason. Crew is the kind of sport you really have to be devoted to and practice a LOT.
Bob wakes up early every weekend, and spends 4 hours every day at crew.
When Sally rows she gets the worst blisters, skin is literally ripped from her hands leaving painful, bleeding open wounds.
Kim rowed 25,000 meters yesterday on an erg. Today she can not walk because her legs, back, and arms are so sore.
Phil lost his voice when his cox box broke and he had to scream calls for the teams entire 3 hour on-the-water practice.
Kevin rowed so hard was over exerted and threw up at the end of the race.
That crew team is more like a family, i wish our soccer team cared about each other and loved their sport as much as those good looking crew kids do. I also wish i had sexy muscular legs and crazy good endurance like them.
by Ulmo August 30, 2008
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One of the most difficult and highly-underrated sports that man has ever created. Not only can it physically mess you up through the pain, but it can also socially mess you up. Unfortunately, "AP Crew" does not count as college credit, even if it takes up almost as much time as school, if not more. Because the rower's school social life is in shambles, the rower becomes better friends with his or her fellow members of the cult sport.
Joe: Are you coming to the party Friday?
Mike: Sorry, I got crew.
Joe: How about Saturday?
Mike: There's a regatta all day.
Joe: That blows.
Mike: It sure does.

Sra. Martinez: ¡Jaime! ¿Porque no hacía tu tarea?
Jaime: Lo siento, pero fue remano a crew ,Señora.
Sra. Martinez:¡No está una excusa! ¡Menos cinco puntos!
Jaime: ....perra estupida....

Señora Martinez: James! Why didn't you do your homework?
James: Sorry, but I was rowing at crew, Señora.
Señora Martinez: That's no excuse! Minus five points!
James: ....stupid bitch....
by Biron3000 February 4, 2008
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The best group of YouTubers there are. Including KYR SP33DY, Deluxe 4, Im Jahova, Deluxe 20, MsHeartAttack, SideArms4Reason, Str8 Mario, The G18, and Shadowbeats. They make gaming videos and are the best at it. KYR SP33DY holds the definition of Seattle Snorkeler
Person A: "I'm gonna go watch The Crew's videos!"
Person B: "Whatever ya fayyg."
Person A: "Why are you being mean?"
Person B: "You're not a true fan."
by ASovo23 November 6, 2012
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A really intense physical sport, in which one works every muscle in their body to exhaustion in order to win a race on water. It takes a lot of time. Basically if you're a dude you'll be all like dammit crew keeps me from having enough time to get laid, and if you're a chick then you'll be all like dammit these broad shoulders and huge thighs keep me from getting laid, and if you're a coxswain then you'll be all like why do rowers complain so much yelling and stearing a boat is so much more demanding... I actually have to count to ten while stearing a boat, they just stick an oar in the water and pull.
"Dude... crew sucks..."
"Why are you still on it?"
"Because... ummm... well... it's not fun..."
"Exactly! why don't you quit?"
"Because I like it."
by Pimpologist December 2, 2007
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Once at the forefront of the railway industry, Crewe is now the chav capital of the world.
The town also has:
One of the worst performing NHS hospitals
A college catering for chavs doing hairdressing and over 1000 students with Downs syndrome
A live music venue hailed as the UK's center for tribute bands
A nationally acclaimed soccer club for producing violent drunken psychopaths
2 Macdonalds, 1 KFC
And the greatest density of polish immigrants in the country (why the fuck they would want to come to Crewe remains a mystery)
"The cinema in Hanley sucks, wanna go the one in crewe?"
"Are you out of your fucking mind?"
by Anonymous2501 November 10, 2007
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The most amazing sport to ever hit the world. Crew is the sport of the most determined, physically fit, and amazing athletes out there.
Crew is the sport of gods.
by Crew is the shit April 11, 2006
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