A planned event in which one person consumes ice cream. No others are allowed to attend or even know about it.
Alan: What is this? You didn't invite me to the ice cream party?
JD: Naw, it was an ice cream antisocial.
by Motocrossgreg July 25, 2010
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Often shortened to "Anti Justice Warrior" or "AJW", an "Antisocial Justice Warrior" is a person who actively fights against social justice, with the added suggestion of being antisocial.
Most AJWs tend to unironically blame all of societies problems on SJWs, even when they have little to nothing to do with the issue. They will usually then go on to not offer any advice to fix an issue, or will claim that there is no issue at all. Words like "liberal", "libtard", and "snowflake" are often on their list of most common vocabulary. In addition, they tend to point out simple mistakes or small parts of an argument while dodging the arguments basis, and act as dogmatic and forceably edgy as possible, whilst feigning innocence.
They have a tendency to swarm those with liberal and progressive views.
Although not always the case, they are known to believe that the world is against straight white men, and often lash out when witnessing a racial-minority, lgbt, or (worst yet) feminist agenda. In worst cases, they tend to push a white nationalists and alt-right narrative to fool gullible people into thinking that white heterosexual men, as well as the masculinity associated with men, are becoming a minority.

Common buzzwords for the AJW include "libtard", "snowflake", "triggered", "leftist", "modern feminism", "third-wave feminism", and "soyboy".
They are known to use projection during arguments.
I don't get how Josh talks about liberals all the time like an antisocial justice warrior, while always complaining about how the media always talks about Trump.
by RandomBro April 19, 2019
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Noun (pejorative): Someone who engages in Conservative correctness.

Counterpart to Social Justice Warrior, or "SJW." Just as likely to overreact to jokes/harass online/boycott as their more-Liberal counterparts. Examples include "#CancelColbert," the Kuerig boycott, & sending death threats to comedian Michelle Wolf.

The word "Antisocial" in this context not only describes their opposition to Social Justice Warriors, it also describes general malevolence and a refusal to adapt socially.
"Sean, ever the Antisocial Justice Warrior, set his Nikes on fire 'to own the libs.' "
by EraseAllPicturesOfRon November 2, 2018
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When its just you, yourself and your clothing To be at one with your clothes.
Bob: "Hey how are you doing today"
Bob is speaking to his clothes.

This is Antisocial Apparel.
by DROP CLOTHING July 19, 2023
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Antisocial media refers to social media sites that are less mainstream and are associated more with dark, antisocial types. Think Reddit or 4Chan.
"Hey man you got a reddit account?"

"Fuck no! I would never use an antisocial media site."
by Anonymousmobster February 20, 2021
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a person who is 14 and wants to blow up
I'm only fourteen but I'ma blow up and as soon as I do, I'ma get me a GRAMMY
She told me that I am the GOAT so I told her
"I know baby girl, like do you understand me?"
She followed my IG, I followed her back, then she came to my crib and she took off her panties
She asked me like, "Tana, are you antisocial?" And I told her, "No, girl I'm socially anti"
by trunkkk October 2, 2022
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