A woman who lacks intelligence and is easily influenced by shallow people or shallow music that promotes (sex, alcohol, smoking, etc) as being a "bad bitch." In reality, this woman is not a "bad bitch" - she is the furthest thing from a classy woman and consistently makes foolish decisions in life because they make her "feel good" in the moment. Eventually, reality will hit her and she will be overflowing with regret that she did not act intelligently when younger.

A classy woman (what that woman falsely believes is a "bad bitch") is intelligent, responsible, intellectually mature, successful in her career, empathetic, nurturing, and respects herself (cares for her mind and body). She does not let her emotions overpower her logic and live in the moment. She envisions a beautiful future and she consistently spends her time on valuable activities (reading, deep conversations, etc), not shallow activities (drinking, partying, casual sex, etc).
I think I am a "bad bitch," but really I am an immature and ignorant woman who uses alcohol or drugs to escape the pain of my life and future.
by AThoughtfulMan September 8, 2020
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a bad bitch is a chick that is down to do whatever for her dude and she have that i don't care attitude towards any and everything.
by Tashiria August 4, 2005
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a bitch who dont care who thinks she the best eats hot Cheetos and her name is Emily and wants to be black #wapwap

hey emily!

by graciewapya May 24, 2021
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A Bad Bitch is CAMORA literallyyyyyyyy .
“ Bad bitch is used when saying her name”.
by Camora September 9, 2022
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A girl would not be lesbian, but if she sees another beautiful woman, she'll admit like, " Oo she's a bad bitch omg "
by 651Alex May 19, 2013
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