A free, open-source 3D polygon modelling program scripted entirely within Python.
Blender supports export to many generic and specific 3d file formats.
Our team used Blender 3D to create our MMORPG
by Mincetro February 10, 2006
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The next Generetion of the Nintendo's line of portable systems. It let's you play Video games in 3d, without those stupid glasses. Many People say it's just another version of the Nintendo DS, but they're wrong.

It has 2 screens, the top one is 3.5 inch and is the one that uses the 3D technology, the down one , 3.02 inch, is touch screen, but no 3D, because the touch would affect the 3D effect. You can play your original Nintendo DS Games, it has a new feature, like an analog stick called Slide Pat, a slider on the side that adjust the 3D effect. It ca play 3D movies and takes picuter in 3D using 2 0.3 megapixels cameras in the front of the handheld.

The Nintendo 3DS cartridges will hold 2GB of game data and look almost exactly the same as those of the current DS. However, there is a small tab jutting out on the one side, most likely to prevent 3DS cards from being inserted in the 1st generation DS. The Graphics can be compared with the Wii graphics.

The 3DS possesses Wi-Fi capabilities and periodically searches for Wi-Fi hotspots and other 3DSs without user input, and will be able to receive data from the Internet or other 3DSs while in sleep mode. The system supports multiplayer gameplay via a local wireless connection or over the Internet

TL:DR The thing that will kill the PSP and dance on his grave
Gamer one: hey, are you getting the Nintendo 3DS when it comes out?

Gamer two: Dude, i was at E3, i saw it, and yes, i will buy it the first day.
by Joel5656 June 20, 2010
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When you fart and accidentally shit a little in your pants.

Son of a bitch! That fart sounded wet...Are you sure you aren't going 3D in your pants right now?
by Fleetham & Hoffmolester February 1, 2011
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The use of additive manufacturing to produce 3D models. Despite popular belief that this technology is useless. It is expanding quite rapidly

Ex. Previous cost- over 2000 dollars current cost- under 800 dollars

This technology will soon take over the world MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHH

I have no clue why I wrote this, I just got triggered my another untrue definition :/
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Can you believe Bubsy 3D got a Golden X from "Playstation Xtreme Magazine"? Game journalism has never changed in quality.
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a term used by hardcore anime/manga enthusiasts who think that anime/eroge characters are more attractive/like them better than real girls, the term is used to describe ones disgust with real women. This term is often used by regular visitors of the anime/manga related boards on 4chan. The term "3d pig" includes every real woman however, in many cases Japanese women that are attractive are excluded from the term.
Anonymous1: "oh lawd (insert famous hot female's name here) is so hot, post pics of her, i'd hit it"
by lolnoudontidort May 29, 2008
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The act of vomiting, Barfing, Yawning in Technicolor, up-chuck, driving the porcelin bus, spew and throwing up.
Dude A: What happended to Quinn?

Dudette B: He ate raw chicken and drank a litre of Bushmills. Then he started yawning in 3D all over my new Chucks.
by False Aorta February 14, 2010
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