were i come from a townie is someone from "town" and has a habit of saying things like payned for pound or tane for town in other places it is usually the same thing as a chav townies usually have strange names shortend into 4 letters if you are not a townie you are considered a wastman to them
townie 1:yo wassgoinon sajj

townie 2:nuffin u knows i iz chillin wiv rakz in tayn
by cheesefaced123 October 16, 2008
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Some absolute goon who hangs around the tescos with his scooter mates scaring nans half to death

usually seen with some adidas or nike manbag
think they’re a roadman or somet then won’t scrap with anyone
“Yo av ya seen are Joe kid?”
“nah lad i eard e’s a propa townie doe, do we wanta go out wiv im?”
by Squatlemur77 October 15, 2020
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The sacks of dogshit that smell like mad mudbutt who live in your college town.
"hey man, got goosed last night and porked a townie."
"You should probably gobget checked for an STD"
by RaymundoSmokesMid June 22, 2018
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Dickheads who attend the school located in St Albans, Hertfordshire, Townsend Church of England School. They are snot curdling cunts and they lie and cheat about everything. Place is mingin and wouldn’t recommend your child going there!!!
by suckurmum001 March 29, 2022
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Small town midwesterners that gather in large groups, who have no boundaries, but are often very friendly people.

Townies often consume lots of trulys, hangout at Walmarts and see college towns as sprawling urban jungles.

When at college townies gather together to form fake household families, that often result in numerous petty family feuds.

Townies also try to keep track of how many days they have been sober, as they lose track of their consumption of trulys & busch lattes.
Don’t invite them, they are all townie’s.
by Neverforget01 September 12, 2021
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Person who never left town and still tends to have the same life they had during high school, except they are now attending the town's community college for more than two years and counting. Tend to have low self esteem and are highly critical of anyone who did leave town.
Maria still lives at home and has been attending the University of Mooney for over five years, she is such a Townie!
by Hester Adams October 4, 2007
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Adj. can be used as a noun.

Moronic people who live in cities/towns with little to no knowledge of practical life skills. Usually incapable of surviving on their own. Not used to physical labor or outdoors, yet have large egoes and superiority complexes, considering themselves better than non-townies.

word originates in rural southern Illinois.
(townie) "Hey can you tell me where they grow chocolate milk


(non-townie) "You dumb ass townie."
by Boxycolt6 September 12, 2011
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