Too afraid to run your mouth to someone directly, but once they start to walk away you look down and run your mouth like a pussy. Too scared to run your mouth until the possibility of a real confrontation has died down.
“ say what you got on your mind now to my face instead of talking out the side of your neck once I start to walk away
by Jmacbigmacj April 12, 2020
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When the substance of what your saying is so unimportant that if someone did not hear you, and they asked you to say it again, you would tell them "oh, no i'm just talking out my ass"

Yeah John was actually helping me move the other day. He was telling me that his family went to Santa Barbara for the winter to stay with a couple of friends and it's actually funny because i was thinking about taking the wife and kids down there.

.. hmm huh, sorry, what you say?

Ah nah don't worry about it, i'm just talking out my ass
by Jose Boro February 3, 2017
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Talking Out Your Ass-
It's when someone begins to speak or writing on face book before they know the truth, irregardless how it might make others feel. Sometimes when the truth is then explained to them, they twist what you say and speak even louder out the same orifice. We are all susceptible to this terrible condition wether we admit it or not and If left untreated it can lead to a complete break down in communication, alienation, loneliness, severe depression, and anxiety which worsens the condition. But if caught in time can be treated properly with truth and logic can be completely avoided and leave practically no ill side effects. Even with proper treatment occasional flare-ups should be expected. Laughter is also always a good antidote.
by EMV September 29, 2013
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Letting another person know that if they don't stop whatever it is the are doing. Then that person will more than likely die by having a hole in thier neck.
T said to CJ "hey your moms looked hot last night". CJ replied ,"if you don't shut up, I'm going to have you talking out the side of your neck."
by ERICWRIGHT075 January 27, 2021
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