a person who usually has money and now for unfortunate circumstances dose not have the spending power he once had. it is the opposite of nouveau riche.
you know you are NOUVEAU POOR when you downgrade your Hyundai Matrix to a Kia Piccanto.

You know you are NOUVEAU POOR when you start selling all your designer bags you once collected.


Kenzie: hey kim wana go out for dinner tonight?

Kim: no man i cant!! didnt you hear im NOUVEAU POOR!!!!


Kenzie: hey kim what you doing?

Kim: counting my pennies im so NOUVEAU POOR. (shed a tear)
by Kimmyka January 23, 2013
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A term used to describe something that was underground at first (hipster), became mainstream and not cool, reverted back to lame obscurity only to be revived to hipster status again. The hipster circle-of-life.
Since Coachella is just mainstream now, I won't go until it reaches nouveau hipster status.
by me_tm April 16, 2013
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You see them everywhere with their ipad, smart phone or any other hand held computer. They run their entire lives from thier moblie pc. Whats annoying to the old school geek is that if you asked them 2 years ago what the internet was, they would have replied porn and free music.
Mike: Hows it going Scott?

Scott: If you read my tweets you would know dude.

Mike: But i'm stood here talking to you.

Scott: But my facebook status is sooo funny right now.

Mike: I'm right here...

Scott: hang on a minute, I gotta tweet this conversation.

Mike walks off... 'you apple fanbois are so nouveau geek'
by Maxx Borchovskii July 4, 2010
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(eyj noo-voh) noun. Usually classic, always stylishly so. Merging the male and female aspects. Also known as "Gender Benders". It's not about making a statement, or getting attention. It is about being you, as a whole. Chic, attractive, and original.
Andrey's funky hair teamed with classicly lined clothes is very age nouveau.

Age Nouveau, it's Audrey Hepburn with a punk edge.
by Charlie C-Colt August 16, 2007
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The Modern Mullet, was primarily used to describe the style which had a combination of the 'Beckham' hairstyle with more hang down the back. Now freely used to describe any other fashion mullet cropping up.
"The Australian Cricket team decided to all get Nouveau Mullets to show solidarity with modern style"
by Alex January 13, 2005
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1. An ignorant man or woman who learns to fly-fish, brew their own beer, and perform other acts not for themselves, but for the approval of others.
"Awww man, did he take up flyfishing? Yeah man, he just grew out a gnarly beard and started to fly-fish. What a Nouveau Douche."
by willygski October 7, 2013
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A far left liberal that equates zionism with racism. Typically college professors and students in the United States and Europe.

Unlike older thug style anti-semites, the nouveau anti-semite is verbal and often found on twitter, facebook, and newspaper comment sections presenting a clearly negative view of Jews and Israel without facts to support their claims.

Essentially using academia and the internet to thinly veil their anti-semitic beliefs.
My Professor of English is a Nouveau Anti-Semite, he spent the entire class criticizing Israel without once presenting Israel's perspective.
by Saree1 November 27, 2012
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