Outer covering for the foot; shoe. Generally, nice shoes someone is proud of.
by amyVT November 7, 2003
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A fine old English tradition and the nation's favourite pastime, a kicking is what the Yanks would call an ass-beating. A fucking good hiding. A proper doing-over. A thorough mullering.

Despite the name not necessarily performed with the feet, but à chacun son goût.
Get out of my face now or you're going to get a good kicking, you cunt.
by snootful November 19, 2019
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"Hey dude--nice kicks!"
by Glenna November 6, 2003
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To do something just for the pure sake of amusement and not fear the consequences of one's actions. To employ a hedonistic attitude when seeking enjoyment.
"I just want to have my kicks before this whole shithouse goes up in flames?
by Ashish Dewan October 17, 2006
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Kick ass, awesome, great

-i first heard it on Viva La Bam
in Viva La Bam season 2 when Bam buys a new house, the house and a big gate with a Unicorn mural and Dicamillo says "whats with the Unicorn"
Bam replies "I don't know about you, but i think unicorns are Kick-A"
by razorblade-bitch666 September 17, 2006
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whenever your foot makes contact with something
when I throw my foot at you it is still a kick
by fulopslacker June 27, 2013
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