A title or name applied to a person who takes his or her application of stupidity, malice, or simply being an asshole to such overblown and exaggerated levels that it is almost awe-inspiring.
I cannot believe that guy cut me off, ran up over the curb, and then verbally assaulted that old lady for trying to avoid being ran over! He must be Fuckbag McClure!

For he is Fuckbag McClure! The Qwisatz Haderach of assholes!
by Exxos April 30, 2010
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An insult to call someone who is being a total bitch
You're being such a Nutsack Fuckbag
by BirdyisMe August 9, 2021
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a poor business person who turns everything they touch to a steeming pile of poo.
Todd Long is a fuckbag-douchewad!
by sinergy staff August 29, 2008
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When one uses an old greasy bag from Kentucky fried Chicken in place of a condom
I didn't have money for Trojans so I went off with the ol' Kentucky fuckbag method
by LayaLawless April 14, 2023
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Formally University Ford
Fuckbag Ford by from people you know at a easy place to go.
by fatbacktim October 6, 2004
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couple of words you can say when fuck just isnt enough.
by Justin Beiber wanna-be xD November 6, 2010
Someone who is screwed up in the head enough to where they can't control or find the right emotion for the current situation and is easy to get in bed.
by BustaCherry July 1, 2018
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