Jack - "I need to use the bathroom."
Ray - "Sorry man. I was here first and it's a one-duder."
by Ray Masterson December 18, 2006
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A duder fanooter is a guy vagina. A man who has a sex change would have a duder fanooter
Shit bro, that chick's got a duder fanooter!


That chicks pussy looks so gross, it might be a duder fanooter!
by Greg "FlaviusG" Painter March 4, 2004
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Someone who Yeah Dudes on a regular basis. Also the full name for a duder.
"So, did you talk to Pete?"
"Yeah, that yeah duder tried to tell me that his hot friends had car trouble and that's why they weren't at the party."
"Yeah dude!"
by LeBonier January 12, 2005
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A very wise dude you can go to for advice or consulting. A bro that can lead you through a desert.
Bro 1:Hey duder-atomy, can I ask you for some advice?
Bro 2: Sure bromosexual!
by The Joesc February 11, 2010
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My friends and I can't tell if that is a chick or a dude,with the obvious tit job,so she is a Duder Hooter!
by Crazy81Virgo July 2, 2014
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-A woman that gets a sex change,in order to have a penis. -A chick wearing a strap on.
My friends call me a Cooter Duder cause it just doesn't do the trick any more ,when strap on my dildo.So now I'm going to get a sex change,so I can have sex like a man.
by Crazy81Virgo July 2, 2014
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When someone is performing a task too large for one person. A job that can't be done by oneself.
When you see one of your friends struggling to move a couch by himself. Thats a two-duder. That looks like a heavy fridge, definitely a two-duder
by Bigshooter Rc April 19, 2020
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