Having your eyes drawn to someones crotch - can be voluntary or involuntary action
by Motherhen33 June 17, 2010
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To smash someone in the groin, especially a male and especially with a blunt object.
Ouch, Bertuzzi just crotched MacInnis!
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e.g. Wussup crotch

e.g. Hooker

e.g. Bee-yoch
by persian delite July 11, 2008
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A slang word for telling a friend you had/have an erection without drawing the attention of the surrounding public
"Hey bro, what you been up to?"

"Just crotching out in maths, this girl was peng!"
by Crotchington November 10, 2008
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Synonym for 'cool', except less socially acceptable. Origins unknown.
I am undoubtedly the crotchest person around.
by Sara November 17, 2004
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Basically a big pussy, or known as a male-bitch. Tendency to have a really gay time with a "crotch" person.
Ya i know, john is a big faggot crotch bitch
by Sam9800 February 27, 2007
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