1. popular japaneese cartoon featuring poorly drawn characters that cannot be distinguished from each other, poor voicing, and battles between good and evil forces that can take dozens of episodes before completed. Episodes consist mostly of staredowns and vein-pumping of opposing fighters and brief moments of shooting lasers from palms and lightning punching & kicking. The show is also complete with repeated grunts, groans, and constipation noises that make you think theres an outhosue next to your TV
Dragon Ball Z is a terrible excuse for a cartoon
by Squishmanchu February 27, 2006
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They Gay Show that kids of the ages of 6-7 watch and nerds geeks and freaks watch 2 feel kewl. in other words its like rap...any way it sucks.
Ashley: Hey want to go MakeOut

Nerd: no i HAVE to go watch Dragon ball Z goku almost finished his spirit bomb after the 50th episode.
by Naruto Dude August 14, 2005
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A show in which people scream in order to get stronger.
Humanlike aliens fight alienlike aliens to save Earth. One of said aliens is often mistaken for a Pokemon.
The good guys can be revived by the seven testicles of a magic noodle dragon.
The only one who really dies is an idiot called Yamcha.
"On the next episode of Dragon Ball Z..."
by DTerra117 April 14, 2017
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A gay show made in Japan, but edited in America. Everyone grunts constantly, and has extremely large hair. Usually watched by nerds, losers, and people with no friends. Trust me, it's not worth a half-hour of your life watching this show.
by Kyle May 18, 2004
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Another stupid show mostly watched by ten-year-old kids, the wapanese, and comic book nerds.
by Anonymous June 25, 2003
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A show that spazes out 99% of its material because faggots like you watch it. And your and you're are two words. For example:

You're all assholes because your grammar sucks.


You watch DBZ.
Q: "How many DBZ characters does it take to screw in a light bulb?"

A: "One, but it takes about 5 episodes!"
by groanie nigger April 15, 2005
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A show that repeats the same barely-existing storyline over and over again. People with the power to destroy a planet with a finger get hurt by a rock hitting them in the face, but a super-punch to the face and they're fine. A masterpiece of grunting and pointless 30-episode fights.
Whenever I see someone wearing a DragonBall Z T-shirt, I want to kick their teeth in.
by Pickleton August 29, 2003
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