When you have uncontrolable diarrhea and a massive shit log comes in strong off the port bow and fires out of the cannon at uncontrolable speeds followed by another 10 second blast of diarrhea causing a hiroshima sized splash back
"Jerry barely made it to the bathroom before he released the German Waterslide."
by TheCasualToaster March 31, 2016
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when thirty or more enimas are given at one time and the doodoos are collected on a sheet of linoleum and all thirty participants slide down it naked
dude, lets get a bunch of people together and have a brazillian waterslide
by bassplayer2493 November 7, 2009
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When like ur jus' chillin' on da max and some random guy is jus' like starin a hole through ur head and has a dazed look on his face and the jus' let's it shoot if u get my drift.
by Mandi rikitu May 7, 2003
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When you are having sex and the penis slips out of the vagina while on the "backstroke" and you thrust forward and the penis forcefully enters the anus.
I heard that carl accidently gave lacy a chattanooga waterslide. Wow carl is such a tease!
by theunderwaterhamburgler September 6, 2022
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Ejaculating in a woman with her ass and the air and sliding the cum down between her cheeks with your dick.
I gave her a Montreal waterslide while she was leaning over the chair.
by Wikud June 1, 2021
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When a chick with a dick cumz on the back of another chick with a dick and then throws a had full of glitter on their back.
Your lucky I'm crafty I'm about to glitter waterslide your ass.
by sp70591 July 9, 2016
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The act of filling a waterslide with piss and cum and diving head first into it. It is fully enjoyed when you do it with multiple people and have sex in it afterwards.
"Did you hear about Jame's Washington Waterslide at his house last Friday? everyone contributed to fill it up!"
"Wow talk about a group effort!"
"I wish I went but I was too busy enjoying my girlfriend's Mississippi Birdbath."
by pimpster69420 September 17, 2023
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