Anela is a very beautiful girl and the best girlfriend, cousin, bestfriend, wife, friend, sister, mom, grandma… etc. she has long dark wavy hair but don't get confused because Anela loves to dye her hair different colors. Anela has big beautiful eyes and long eyelashes she likes to wear glasses but has good eyesight. Anela is a very playful person and loves to go out. Anela hate when they have to text first btw she loves it when someone texts her first, because it will inform her if you really have interest in her. If you do ever find yourself an Anela you wont have to worry about her finding interest in other guys because she doesn’t feel comfortable talking to multiple guys just incase things get serious with one. Anela is not a extrovert nor introvert but she loves to keep to herself and not get into any drama and if you do get to know an Anela she is funny, smart, pretty, and a great person overall. Never let go of an Anela especially if her star signs a Leo!
Person: hey, do you know Anela (last name probably with a V,M,T,L,R,S)
Other Person: No, but I think I’ve seen her around. I’ve never talked to her but she seems really cool and I want to get to know her.
Person: Yeah! Anela is pretty cool, just follow her on instagram.
Other Person: alright bet imma slide in her dms lol
by FAXONG222 July 17, 2022
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A: Hey, remember when Steve Jobs almost died of Ligma and met Joe?
B: Who's Joe?
A: Josh eroding his mapping Macbook, but without the s,h,r,o,d,i,n,g,p,c and b
by DougDimmaDave January 2, 2022
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A typical dutch person called Dion, With very much CLOUT
Look at the C L O U T M A S T E R he is so perfect.
by The real Feddeus January 21, 2019
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A word used by the superior Dutch people to signify their presence on any Dutch related posts which literally translates to "Colonised". Usage of this word is usually followed by someone else saying "Zeg makker".
Guy 1: "Hey did you hear about this one thing that is super vaguely connected to the Dutch?"
Guy 2: "No I actually didn't, I would love to hea-
Random Dutch person: "G E K O L O N I S E E R D"
by Lickwits November 14, 2019
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A word that dutch men like to use in really bad memes. it means KOLONISED.
youtube video for tiny kids exists.
dutch men: G E K O L O N I S E E R D
by QWERIOP1 March 29, 2019
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When you are bored and have nothing to do, so you type all the letters on the keyboard. From A to Z in space
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
by boonrod2008 April 21, 2020
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really the ABC's lowercase with a space between them
I'm typing a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z and see what happens (Him being a mad man)
by de retard January 13, 2021
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