A decent name. Nothings wrong with it
Person 1: hi Riley

Riley: hey
by HowTheHellDoIRead December 23, 2018
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The most amazing guy you could ever meet . May be serious and not so outgoing at first . But after you get to know him you'll see he's lots of fun . Knows how to have fun with you but also knows when enough is enough . A very charming , loyal, sweet , sensitive , trustworthy , handsome/sexy person . Once you fall in love with a Riley , its hard to forget them . Pretty big penis too
Girl 1: I'm SO glad I met Riley ! He's such an amazing guy !

Girl 2: I know ! I dated him last year and I still can't get him out of my head ! He had a pretty big dick too
by y!a!h!h! December 18, 2011
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Riley he's genuine, honest, trustworthy, hot, mannerly, polite, athletic, fast, and very loveable.
Kate: my boyfriend is so trustworthy, honest, hot, and loveable.

Blaine: oh you probably got a riley
by Kaylennnnnnnn March 18, 2015
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She can have her ups and downs but in the end she will be over it and be happy all over again. She is known to have a strong heart and beautiful soul, she can take a hit. She has very long brown hair and the most beautiful smile you will ever see. She's very nice and kind, she is not known to be mean, but she does have a side that no one wants to see. Riley is the most romantic girl in this world, when it comes to relationships, she knows how to handle things. She is very smart, and talented. If you find a Riley in your life, keep her and stay with her, she's worth fighting for. :)
Girl: That girl over there is really nice, and cool, whats her name?
Girl: That's Riley, she's the new student.
by maveywavey24 June 17, 2016
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1. an amazing friend.
2. Valiant in Irish (brave)
3. Very faithful and trustworthy. She will never spill your secrets.
4. She is absolutely perfect.
5. She is very pretty but she thinks she is ugly. She needs to be reminded that she isn't ugly constantly.
6. She is very athletic.
7. All of the guys love her and sometimes her best guy friends fall in love with her.
"Wow look at her!"

"She must be named Riley!"
by Taylorrrrrr November 14, 2013
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The best friend anyone could ever have ! Prettiest girl in the universe ! I love you bbg !
Riley is amazing !
by Justbeboss July 10, 2011
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A manly sounding boy's name. A valiant man.
What's a great name for a boy? Riley.
by Fifi23 February 3, 2010
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