Zoe: How did gym go today? I heard you still went outside even though it was raining.
Rebecca: Yeah, Mr. T was so cruel about it too! I was about to ofe myself right then and there.
by segarationborthdamoodz November 10, 2017
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The act of when someone has done something that is either very numerous or

Very stupid often resulting in everyone in the room laughing at the person. You would normally use this phrase when you are out with a new group of friends , typically from Toronto who use a variety of slang that you have never heard before or can’t understand , so to make yourself not look like a wasteyute you make up a word in order to make them think you're “with them shits”. As a result you use the phrase “T-Offing”.
Ivan: yo fam I heard Gary flopped on linking the mandem over sum battry ting.

Ivan: “Yo fam what the fuck are you saying that’s not a word retard”
by T-offer April 9, 2021
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Over it. Can be used to describe something as wack or someone as mad.
“That’s straight ofed”
I’m ofed”
by Baby cheeks7 March 12, 2018
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When you’re officially fucked
Taylor is ofed because Ryan broke up with her
Ali: “how ya feeling girly?”
Taylor: “ I’m ofed”
by AliMo02 May 8, 2018
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