heaven on earth. free drugs for all and great food. the only reason people leave is to take of break of heaven.
Mexico has to be the leetest country ever known to man.
by Jesus Chaves July 1, 2006
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The country full of job stealing mofos.
Person1: Lets go to Mexico

Person 2: NO! Mexico is the gum on the bottom of Americas shoe!
by J121 May 21, 2008
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The toilet upon which the United States sits, and it is backing up.
Mexico lies south of the US border.
by gewehr43 March 31, 2010
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Hot, dry, dirty place third world country, almost a century behind the rest of the modern world.
Man I wish Mexico would catch up with the rest of the world..
by william banks June 21, 2007
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A crappy country like France. This is were majority of illegal aliens come from to commit crimes and leech off the US welfare system. They want the American Southwest, even though they cannot run their own country. Like the French, the people are full of crap, and they don't bath. The people are not Hispanics. They are descent of the Aztecs, who were warmongers and cannibals.
by Unknown Human June 22, 2005
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A small, hick town, in Western Maine. Full of sluts, and ignorance. Nothing of interest to see, except the bars. Most people in Mexico use drugs, too, not hard to find them there.
by Carmexy January 25, 2009
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