A popular fanfiction of the hit FOX television series GLEE, written by CP Coulter on FanFiction.net
It spins off from the tv show after the "Furt" episode, where Kurt Hummel transfers to Dalton Academy and finds himself sucked into a 'wonderland' full of crazy, but lovable, original characters, cannon characters, and a mess of humor, drama, and romance.
Not enough Glee? Go read Dalton! It's practically it's own television series!
by MasterAnonymous January 21, 2011
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A white guy who supports Trump
Dalton is white
by YaBoiDemzy April 6, 2016
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A type of person who see's the world through darkened eye's. The one person who has to say the worst possible outcome. He's been through a lot and, for all he cares, would let the world burn for what it has done to him. The only thing that stops him from doing all of the horrible things that go into his mind is the thought of the one person that he truely cared for and what she would say.
"Dude, are you O.K?"
"Yeah I'm just having a bit of a Dalton feeling right now."
"Maybe you should go and relax for a while."
by Xavier Grim March 9, 2009
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He isnt the kind of guy to randomly hit you up.Instead he goes on a Hily Chat live and he will melt your heart. Hes one of the more easy going guys like David and Christian (only a lot more handsome). Not a heartbreaker because he has a calm demeanor
Talking to a Dalton you will be satisfied by first impression. You will be taken by his seductive charm
by Happy Christian December 5, 2020
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The best way to explain any person named “Dalton” is look up High School Douche-Bag.
Bro stop being a Dalton, you don’t want none.
by Dbag dalton December 27, 2021
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