A sweet loving young women who cares for others more than anything else, she seems to be heavily attracted to men with the name Brayden.
Ansley is quite the lady
by Yourpseudonym69420 January 3, 2022
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Ansley is usually a gorgeous girl with lots of guy friends that all love her and love her as a girlfriend. an ansley is also super sexy and has a nice body. She is also known for being the beautiful girl that everyone desires. Ansley is perfect! She's also a freak in bed, and loves to have sex but only with certain people. She's a sex master. Anyone lucky to have an ansley!!
Look away Ansley is coming .
by Big bitch February 26, 2019
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The koolest kid out there. No one can stop her she is unstoppable. She’s definitely the life of the party and she can make anyone laugh. If you get an Ansley Curtis is you life you gotta keep her.
bro 1: bro who’s that funny ass hot lookin girl over there?

bro 2: dude that’s ansley curtis only the coolest person ever!

bro 1: we gotta become friends with her!!
by #2cool4school November 24, 2021
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