BITCH STFU.You are not at all sexy.In fact,you're a fuckpuppet.
My idea of a perfect Monday afternoon is watching a midget ram your colon.Know why you have polio?Because you're a dickless wookie lover.Heavens to Betsy you loathsome whale fucker,why does your whole house smell like ass?
Go get fucked by a yeti.Gargle a cup of ass juice you cum sponge.
You're cool.And by cool,I mean unsightly.I hope some hobo porks you in the hole until you can't pee standing up,you spelunking anus explorer.Wow you're gorgeous.Just kidding,you're a seal clubber.Why don't you go braid your pubic hair,you dumb cum fountain.My idea of a superb Friday morning is watching a convict rape in your ear.And my two personal favorites;Drink a pint of vaginal discharge,brofessor.Holy flying fuck,you fucking queef.Go get teabagged by a gorilla in a damp alley.
by It's Harambe November 27, 2016
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To score a sweaty goal in a console soccer game as a result of an inability to score properly.
a7a enta msh 3aref tel3ab fa hatgeeb goal yehiawy?
by thechinshunguy January 23, 2021
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A woman' junk; vaginal; pussy
" Look at that' dick goal I'm totally shooting at that tonight."
by jjthekid June 24, 2014
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The amount of sexual acts, in which a penis is necessary, that one aspires to participate.
My dick goal is to receive six Paul Giamatti Snow Globes before I die.
by jkHeZ June 24, 2014
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When you leave your friends online to go do Bible Study for 3 hours.
Jaiden: "Where's Nik and Jordyn?"
Chris: "They've been gone for ages doing Bible study with their fam."
Jaiden: "That's some God Goals."
by Keinem November 14, 2021
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This term is used when playing football in the Caribbean and someone messes up a perfect pass
Jden passes To Johnothan, Johnothan Misses the goal completely. Jden says ''YOU NAH WAH GOAL!''
by PCPL May 29, 2023
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Tas Goals is more than goals, its amazing. It's the best thing that you can see or do.
"Hey have you seen Susan's new shoes?" "Yeah they're Tas Goals!'
by gossip girl 108 September 1, 2015
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