adj. the act of feeling youthful and jubilant on the day of your birth
david wirth is birthful
by redoctober1234 September 12, 2011
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When a baby comes out old looking like John Travolta. Not my proudest fap
'Hey Son, are you ready for school?'
'Not right now mum, I'm just fapping to a John Travolta birthing'
by Pegging Sue March 9, 2021
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One who has an appearance that should not be revealed in public.
D'jerome: dude, why is that girl so rachet?
Mike: Butt Birth man, Butt Birth...
by SirNinjaStone April 6, 2016
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puttin ur head up a milfs vagy
yooo dude i totally did the birth canal on a badddd milfyy
by milfs 101 June 4, 2022
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Someone who vastly out performs his/her peers at a particular activity. Common in the South. Home birth's obviously have no birth certificate thus making the validity of their age up for debate
Lebron James is way to badass to be 24, hes gotta be 35.... Home Birth!
by Dwarf Comquat June 22, 2009
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