When the female lies face down on the bed and the male sticks his penis in her asshole and rotates around. Can also be done with two males.
I'm finna fidget spinner that ass
by dandan_fryingpan February 27, 2019
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The most godly creation ever to be blessed on this earth. Do you find yourself lonely or craving something to, I don’t know, fidget. Fidgeting is a talent only few possess. There like tiny ceiling fans for your anxiety.
Guy one: hey bro, look at Tracy over there. I heard she’s a pro fidget spinner.

Guy two: bro, after I started spinning, I couldn’t go back.
Guy one: bro.
Guy two: bro. ( defiantly )
by Spinmyfidget December 28, 2017
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A dangerous object that can give you cancer.
That cancerous blood cell looks like a fidget spinner it must be serious.
by RequinRanger November 29, 2017
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A ball barring toy like object that spins when you flick it. This is often used for sufferers of ADHD, Autism, or people with sensory integration disorders. However, since the trend took off people who are simply looking to fit in will buy one for like $200, a total scam, just to show off and be obnoxious.
Why does everyone now a days have those fidget spinners? I bet not even half of the people with them really need them.
by Garuda 2, Shamrock April 22, 2018
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An object used in by an autistic person to relieve themselves from stress or used by 8th graders who wanna do some dope ass trick shots for there Youtube channel.
Yo homie watch this sick trick I'm about to do with my Fidget Spinner
by NiggaWithAGrapeSizedHead March 15, 2019
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