A real nice German teacher who works at Chris Fore's kingdom at TPAA.
Very, very chill.
Not much more to say.
Students: *Quietly doing Duolingo*
Students: "HOI" "HOI" "HOI"
by Cincinnatihell February 24, 2022
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Melanie James is the most beautiful smart and freaky girl you will ever meet. She would do what ever you ask whenever.
Boy: who’s that freaky girl

Mate: oh that’s melanie james
Boy: she’s turning me on
by melgirl1313mj04 December 11, 2017
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an extroverted bitch who shares the same energy with their introverted bestie and same interests and let’s the other person know they can be themselves around them.
by xoxoasianbitch March 22, 2021
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The best girlfriend ever. No one else compares. She is the best :)
Me: “ Melany Vargas? Yeah, that’s my girlfriend!”
by J_Trussle September 18, 2022
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A Cunt of a woman who neglects her own children and molests her step children
Melanie Taylor belongs in jail
by Your sons left toe July 12, 2022
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Melany and Joshua are cople goals they are that type of partners that will be kind to everyone they’re also shy and sweet, around each other and they will be always that type of light that are laughing and be making jokes towards each other.
Melany : hey softie
Joshua : nah, you’re the softie
Boy: y’all are both shy and soft
by M3lxny sike it’s samantita December 4, 2021
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Often melanie rushes have a flat booty and are fun to be around not rlly there often mean abusive and un trust worthy Melanie rushes also tend to be very dramatic.
Melanie rushes are jerks
by Chicken6787 November 26, 2018
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