The name of a death caused by a Russian icecube
Katie- I want Putin's popsicle.
Cory- I don't think you do.
Katie - oh I do.
Cory- do you even know what that is?
Katie - ya do you?

Cory- ya, it's what you call someone when they die from a Russian icecube.
by E Bird July 29, 2022
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when a random senseless act happens to ruin your existence.
the man was putinated while riding his motorcycle when the goose flew into him and caused the accident that took his life.
by pussy bee April 9, 2022
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A term synonymous with a Napoleonic Complex, also known as Little Man Syndrome.
Person 1: Did you just see that ripped guy in the souped up, loud pickup truck rev his engine and flip off that guy pushing his child in a stroller for no apparent reason and then peel out and speed off and cut off another car on the neighborhood street?

Person 2: Yeah, he must have a Putin Paradigm.
by Thatoneguy5678 March 7, 2022
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Person 1: Did you just see that ripped guy in the souped up pickup truck rev his engine and flip off the guy pushing his child in a stroller for no apparent reason then speed off and cut off another car on the neighborhood street?

Person 2: Yeah, he must have a Putin Paradigm.
by Thatoneguy5678 March 7, 2022
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The numerous millionaire and billionaire friends of Vladimir Putin who got rich from their government connections after the end of the Cold War. Vladimir Putin, Putin, President Trump, Donald Trump, Trump treason, Trump bump, the Orange King, President Chaos, Russia, Russiagate, Mueller investigation, James Comey, FBI, CIA, intelligence community, Paul Manafort, Jarod Kushner, Kremlin
CNN spends each night on Russiagate and trying to expose all of the Putin pals. I don’t believe anything the news is saying about it though.
by joecoolthefool February 21, 2018
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Giving anal to an old rich guy that says he hates gays but wants you in his ass.
See that fellow stomping on that pride flag. He wants it cause he's in a rusty Putin.
by timthepigman June 5, 2022
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