Partying HARD, mostly characterized by the amount one drinks; however, all aspects of partying are included in "treating" i.e. drinking, drugs, dancing, sex, etc.
Patrick: What have you been up to this weekend, Cam?
Cam: I've been treating hard, bro. Hit the club three nights in a row.
by Treating October 11, 2017
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A grim/greasy male who insists on leering at women who walk by, usually with a look of 'sex' in the eyes.

Treats often congregate in groups to up their chances of gaining intercourse with the opposite sex.

Myth has it that 'treats' have very small pointy penises in order to be able to 'slip it in' at any given opportunity.
We walked past a right group of treats earlier.
by Emmi. March 5, 2009
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A type of candy that you ONLY get when you are a good listener.
Parent: Congrats! You get some Treats!
by ecks of dee August 11, 2018
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If a friend asks if you can treat him, it means that you treat him to like a chocolate bar and he is able to decide if he wants to treat you or not.
Joe: Hey bob, can you treat me to a Slurpee?
Bob: Yeah Sure!

2 weeks later
Bob: Hey Joe can you treat me this time?
Joe: Nah maybe some other time.

I personally will never be treating some of my friends again if they wont treat me back.
by 243567432 May 24, 2009
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its when the marijuana resin gets sucked through a marijuana smoking device and gets in your mouth. then you start coughing and spitting all fuckin over the place and say "ahh shit, nasty, i got fuckin treats your bowl sucks."
by Spaz July 27, 2004
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