meteorology. An onslaught of heavy snow and extreme cold following a brief period of mild, pleasant weather. Common in March. Statistically coincides with State Boys Basketball Tournament.
"Man, with the beautiful weather we've been having, I thought spring was here. Turns out we were just being set up for the Minnesota Sucker Punch.
by The Mind of Matt March 2, 2010
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When the weather in California goes from a few day of heat(or cold) to the opposite leaving you saying "what the fuck is up with the weather?!?!"
What the hell man?!!? It was 98 yesterday and sunny as hell and today it's 65 and cloudy. Fuckin' california sucker punch
by Stauder April 23, 2009
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1) A drink that has been defecated in, urinated in and/or spat in.

2)A bad tasting drink prepared for crappy school dances.

you drank the sucker punch? you sick!
by Jose B September 13, 2006
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A line you say to someone to put them off gard before you sucker punch them.
Among the lines are,ever hear of an old man by the name of?, I droped my card could you get it for me?, Your fly's open, your shoe's untied.
I almost fell for that sucker punch line.
by Deep Blue 2012 September 10, 2009
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When the individual componets of something are amazing, but they are not worth the sum of there combined parts.
The new Star Wars movies suffer from Sucker Punch Complex, the scences are amazing, but the combined story was awful.
by LaughingGhost February 5, 2018
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Being struck in the belly by the handle of a snow shovel. This usually happens when you walk behind a snow shovel as you plow the snow out of the way and suddenly strike a crack or seam in the cement.
Oh man! I just got nailed by a sidewalk sucker punch. It knocked the wind out of me. I'll finish shoveling the snow later.
by DrTinz February 19, 2008
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When your getting a blow job and the person accidently bites your dick so you punch them in the face.
I had to sucker punch Jill last night during my blow Job session
by Sup scrubby nation December 30, 2016
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