The act of removing false teeth during oral pleasuring to allow your partner to enjoy the rubber like texture of your gums.
Tammy gave me the best Rubbering I ever had last night.
by ChrisMFGaines March 9, 2016
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A frequently used covering for the penis to catch a mans seman during sexual intercoarse to prevent the woman from becoming pregnant.
Darling - lets fuck I'll use a rubber so you needn't worry about starting a baby.
by teddy jojnson October 22, 2006
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An obscure term for hitmen, coming from the slang "rub out", meaning to kill.
Did you see his eyes? He's a rubber, for sure.
by Vargouille June 14, 2011
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Momma to Sonny: "Sonny, how many times have I asked you not leave your wet rubbers in the chair in the hall? Leave them in the foyer."
by Richard Black March 28, 2005
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My pullout game isn't strong enough for me to not wear a rubber.
by healeyscrox August 29, 2016
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