People who are attracted to the opposite gender and ONLY that, usually Trump supporters, the men are known to have tiny pickle syndrome, which is a rare disease that gives men small penises! The women enjoy tumblr, Starbucks, Bryce hall, and tiktok, most of the time they are disgusted by “ALT” people and people who use pronouns that aren’t what they were born with (example- She/they, He/they, they/them, he/him, she/her, ze/zim, etc) and when these two types of people meet they form a bond known as “Marriage” and will then move in to become Bible-humping straights. So in conclusion, straight means you like go-carts, tumblr, and men (Hi! By the way this is a joke, be whoever you want!)
Nina: what does straight mean? I wouldn’t know
Maddie: the straights are people who enjoy go-carts, tumblr, and men
by Girl in reds wife January 1, 2021
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"ew straight people

the symptoms of straightness are :
-listening to lewis capaldi and the radio
-watching Tony lopez
-favourite song being dance monkey
-watching the following : greys anatomy, friends and riverdale

- being boring
by fr0ggy 🐸 August 12, 2020
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i dont mind breeders as long as they dont act straight in front of me!
by LLKO June 4, 2003
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You okay man? You got hit kinda hard there.
Yeah, i'm straight
by Studtaco March 27, 2003
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A boy/guy or a girl/woman that dates the opposite gender
Person1- are you straight
Person2- yes i am dating boy/girl
by lala loopsie ahhhhhhhh October 23, 2020
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pre rolled cigarettes you buy in packets as apposed to ones you roll yourself
You got a straight by any chance?
by street_spirit February 12, 2005
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