The Hunt is a game which involves two types of people: hunters and bunnies. The rules are basic: the bunnies need to travel on foot, from self-chosen checkpoint to checkpoint and so on, according to a map; the hunters need to find and eliminate them by taking a picture of them. The bunnies may choose their own route to walk in a 360 degree making it hard for the hunters to find them. The bunnies get points for every checkpoint they manage to find. The hunters get points for every bunny-team they find. At every checkpoint and a set time, the bunnies need to communicate their GPS-location, making life a bit easier for the hunters.
Hunter: "The hunt is on!"
Bunny: "Quickly into this random backyard, keep low!"
Local: "You get of my property! Unleash the hounds!"
Forester: "What is going on here!? I am going to start giving fines to every paramilitary looking bastard I run into!"
Hunter: "This is to much, lets go to the McDonalds."
by De Rosser February 18, 2014
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Simply when you call someone's name and make it look like it wasn't you, so the other person looks back and gets confused.

You can disguise your voice for better effect.

There is also the reverse hunt, when you make someone think someone called your name.
Josh: Dude you should go hunt Billy

Bob: BILLY *casually turns around and walks away not making eye contact*

Billy: *frantically turns around and looks around everywhere in confusion*

Everyone: HUNTEDDDD!


Reverse hunting:
Bob: Billy did someone just call your name?

Billy: What??? *looks around everywhere very confused*

by Websites1234567891 April 20, 2013
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Hunting is to bitch or complain about someone or a certain instance.
To be hunty is to be bitchy.
The term hunt is a politically correct term for the word cunt.
Brad: Mike, why are you hunting today?
Mike: Im so hunty because i cant even watch nascar tomorow because i have to get the massive bump removed from my arm.
Brad: Stop being a Hunt.
by pooplito February 19, 2011
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Snobby. One having snobbish qualities.

A "Hunt" usually cannot resist hockey players. Attracted to one named Danny.
Ex- "I think Danny is hot"
by Sloppy seconds May 18, 2004
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A worthless four eyed faggot who couldnt get laid if someone paid him. A fucking lazy ass bitch who likes to give Smith's head. A ignorant mother fucker who's last girlfriend is his hand. Also your name rymes with Cunt.
Your such a hunt. Dont act like a hunt.
by Jason April 19, 2005
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Hunt is a cool person with silky smooth hair and gets all the ladies and is a proffesional tik tocer. He also has a 10 pack
Hot girl- Smash or pass Hunt. All the ladies- SMASH!
by Stinky36 December 3, 2019
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