To crotch is to hide contraband, usually drug related, in a prison inmate's vagina. Past tense is crotched. British prison slang.
I'm gunna crotch my jellies and some H before they search me at intake, maybe they won't find it this time, yeah?
by Tribade June 28, 2008
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(v. to crotch, p.p. crotched). The spiteful act of placing your bare genitals (male, female, or misc.) upon an inanimate object owned and used by an offending party. Also see Ass.
I am going to crotch Bob's stapler, hard.
by The Mad Haberdasher April 20, 2005
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The action of food falling on, or caressing one's crotch before one shares that food with someone else or consumes it entirely.
Oh no! My (insert food name here) has been crotched!

No thanks, I don't want any, it's been crotched.
by Harmony_b April 21, 2009
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The girl was a looker until i spied her black headded crotch piece
by MW May 8, 2003
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Over enthusiastic "cavity search" between female prison inmates. Often used in combination with a massive fistful of butter.
Like when Denny crotched Shaz on Bad Girls innit. Savage.
by Coont February 14, 2011
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Besides the obvious definition, it also means to throw something away. Such as an illegal drug or drug paraphernalia.
Guy 1: shit man the fuzz is coming crotch the weed
Guy 2: alright I threw it in the ditch
by The_semi stoner March 10, 2022
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vb. - To crotch: grabbing the aforementioned part of your body and generally fondling it.

n. - A crotch: a derogatory term intended to insult.
vb. - "He crotched himself."

n. - "Don't be such a crotch, you crotch."
by Spenny June 9, 2006
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