something that zaphod asked about in the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy movie.
"what's normal?"
"whats home?"
"what are cows?
by Nick the Barber August 27, 2005
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Male: Did you see that cow moo?
Female: Yehh it was EPIC
by qwerty000 July 9, 2010
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a COW (noun) meaning a fit or an outburst.

(I recall this word being used back about 1975. It was coined such because apparently some people, when they were getting upset, would make a somewhat long and gutteral sound that amazingly sounded like a cow mooing.
by Wadsy February 26, 2005
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a disturbingly fat lady with extremely saggy breasts and enough rolls to fill a bakery.
"EWWWW!!,OMG a naked cow is on the loose!!
by quintin June 26, 2004
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An expression for when there is so much beef (tension) in a situation, the word beef isn't good enough
Person 1: "Did a lot of beef go down at school yesterday"
Person 2: "Yeah, a whole cow."
by the beef monitor November 16, 2011
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best animal in the world DO NOT use as a negative comment e.g 'You stupid COW!' i myself am a cow and am offended when evil people get called cows i want to be called a cow n yet no-one seems to call me it so in the future please use cow in this way,
'hey jess you mad moo cow'
by jess (mad moo cow) June 8, 2005
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Idiot1: "Dood! I was playing Diablo 2 yesterday, and I got to the cow level!"
Idiot2: "Wtf, dude. There is no cow level!"
by cantCatchMeh September 10, 2008
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