When the thought, sight, sound or mention of cake makes one horny.
Young Jedediah stared longingly into Gargamel’s corner street bakery window just long enough to catch a glimpse of the freshly made marble with fudge frosting, before discreetly gumping in his coveralls. “Those cakes always make me so corky”, he thought, as he cartwheeled back to the compound.
by Nicky Wayne June 30, 2022
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Cool and dorky.
My friend is so cool, but she's also dorky, so I'll just call her corky.
by Daybreaker189 August 31, 2015
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The sexual act of placing ones penis into the stoma, throat hole created by years of cigarette abuse, until orgasm.
“Hey man you know that girl on Douglas and 30th? She gives a good Corkie for 20 bucks

“ God you’re fucking disgusting steve”
by Mepyro April 3, 2021
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A group of mentally challenged individuals.
Pride is to lion as corky is to retard.
by The New Lizard King May 1, 2012
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A Handjob. One that is usually sly, or undetected.
"Dude, how did u get a handjob when her parents were in the room?" "I got a corky under the blanket man."
by Stoob8 December 10, 2007
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A steaming pile of poo, usually laden with corn. Typically also contains particles of Taco Bell, and Peanuts.
I just took the biggest corkie of my life, in that truck station bathroom.
by john doh January 24, 2004
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