Miss-spelt version of colour. Originated as the use of the letter 'U' was a tad on the hard side for people to remember.
This is how not to spell colour.
by Matt March 5, 2005
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no no no that simply won't do, it's colour colOUR
colouring book, not coloring book.how yow lot rule the world when yow can't even bloody spell
by david w spencer. rev. December 7, 2005
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color, a figment of our imagination misleading us to what things really look like. color is the amount of light some thing abosorbs to be reflected through the pigments in our eyes causing what we see to be portraid as we see them.
a book that is red is only red because of the amount of light it can absorb and
by laurence saputra May 4, 2004
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The stupi american way to spell words that were formerly and firstly spelt in the correct way, americans were either to stupid or to lazy or both, to manage to spell this word properly and decided that they were better than the rest of the world.
Boy: Mum i typed colour into word and it changed to color, what do i do?
Mum, there's nothing you can do, dumb americans!!!
by Mahchawinka April 6, 2006
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a somewhat light way of describing someone that is blatantly gay/ a flaming homosexual
Ryan Seacrest seemed to be acting extra colorful on Idol last night.
by thunderstruck94 January 12, 2011
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wearing of clothing indicating membership in a biker organization
Sign on country bar reads:
"Sorry, NO COLORS"
by bulldog May 16, 2004
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1 ... People, objects, and descriptive social interaction of these things together, which in the brightness of light, can objectively be viewed in hues offered in the color spectrum, with each of those colors being able to be filtered out completely by the color black or the color white.

2 ... In socialology: .... The colorful arrays of cultural expressionism from a society of people.
We are all colored by the societies of people we associate with.
by .bad. robot March 9, 2015
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