Large, lumpy, cellulite-ridden, fat buttocks that move in a way which suggests they have a life of their own! The different areas of the butt move in various jiggling motions, sometimes counter to each other. Usually noticed on obese women who insist on wearing form-fitting stretch pants or shorts and think they are oh so sexy!
"She had on this pair of tight orange polyester stretch pants, and when she walked, her huge fat ass looked just like a BAG O' BUNNIES!"
by Karen Wit July 23, 2004
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Used when someone brings a large amount of sweets, coke, cake, etc. Sometimes you may use diabetes rather than bag o' diabetes (some people may think this is offensive)
F1: *brings more than 5 coke cans*
You: Shit that's a bag o' diabetes right there

Sentence 2

F1:*brings more than 5 coke cans*
Ey man you want some diabetes
by Sebastian294 March 6, 2020
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A very fat person. Usually greasy too! Eventually the bag is going to get greasy itself because of the burgers inside of it. Burgers are very fattening. They are all taken in by fat people, who then become bags o' burgers!
"Yo, look at that Bag o' Burgers over there!"

"Dude... thats so nasty."
by hmbsm21 May 1, 2009
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1. a noun used as an adjective reinforcing the homosexuality of a certain object

2.n. an actual bag of dicks
man 1: god, did you see how he wore a sweater around his neck to pick up the next harry potter book?
man 2: ya, those people are gayer than a bag o' dicks.

your gayer than a bag o' dicks
by IsaacTheBenevolent April 9, 2006
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n. (bg o' hel)

1. A step up from "a can of worms", an unfortunate situation compounded by idiots.
2. A situation that has become confusing or difficult
3. Ire, ill feelings for an individual or a group of people.
4. Drama, human suffering, general spitefullness and chaos.
5. A bag (burlap or plastic) that contains the fires of hell, its lord and all its minions (demons).
1. "Oh shit, you just opened up a bag 'o hell ...."
2. "Man this situation has just turned into a bag o' hell."
3. "Dont make me open up a bag o' hell on you boy."
4. "Dont drag me into this bag o' hell, leave me out of this."
5. "Hey dude check this out, this crazy old asian dude gave me this bag o' hell."
by Scruff Cockmonger May 26, 2005
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Derived from douche bag, it is a word used to commonly describe someone who is acting as the equivalent of a douche bag, or someone who likes to say dumb things, someone who thinks they are funny and no one else laughs, a one upper,and your all around average piece of crap. a real dildo baggins.
Mike: "oh my name is mike and im a nerd who likes to listen to 50 cent the act all cool but im really just a video game geek. la de da de da!"

Portia: "what a bag o douchka"
Jeffrey: "definitely a douche baggins."
by Portia&Jeff November 9, 2007
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