loves going to brunch for bottom-less mimosas every day. She may work in Fashion, Marketing or for an agency or may not have a job. Frequently found in the city of Los Angeles taking selfies while wearing wide brimmed hats & sunglasses too big for her face. Often times heard saying the words "betch", "woooo" and "bae". Known for boosting likes on Sunday's latest Instagram post just to feel better 'bout that one-night-stand they pulled last night with the guy sporting a "Sunday Funday" T. They are always using filters on posts and saying "#nofilter".
John: Check out this chick's instagram. Every photo she's either partying or on vacation somewhere. That shit is crazy
Bill: Ya man. That is a basic bitch.
by trashtalkinNotWalkin October 6, 2015
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A basic bitch is

-another term for a follower
-the same as ever other girl(basic)
*name brand whore
*treats everyone like she's better because she's like the popular girl
*refuses to talk to anyone who doesn't look like her clone
(Basic bitch aka cady heron from mean girls, you know how she basically turns into Regina George just like the rest of the high school tries to. Aka BASIC)

*think of your favorite product, like headphones for Xbox for example: there are the basic pairs that are obviously cheapest and then you have a moderate pair, them you have a super nice expensive pair, and then there is that special edition pair... Think of a basic bitch as the cheapest most blan boring unfunctional pair.
by IfItHurtsItsTruth December 20, 2013
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To be a Basic Bitch, you simply need some or all of the following:
1) No drive, ambition or fight in you. You're happy to coast through life, doing basic things, having basic things and going basic places.

2) You're scared, you're scared of what everyone thinks about you. You couldn't possible do, be, sound, dress or act different to everyone else because you're too scared of what people think.
3) You're a follower. You're unoriginal, you copy what everyone else wears, you go to where everyone else goes, you do what everyone else does, because again, you're too scared of what everyone else thinks.
4) You think you're better than everyone else. You have no class or sophistication.
5) Desperate for attention? Desperate for approval?... Basic Bitch.
6) You have no game! You're unable to talk to a member of the opposite sex, unless you know them. We all have moments of being shy, but if you never try, you'll never know, so you'll always be basic.

A Basic Bitch is NOT restricted to gender.
"He/she is still doing the same shit? Damn, what a Basic Bitch"

Me: "Hey, let's do something different tonight!"
You: "Nah, let's just go back to the same place as before"
Me: "You're such a basic bitch"
by Rlc18 December 23, 2014
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-a bum-ass woman who think she the shit but really ain't

popularized by lil duval and spokenreasons
-if you fuck a nigga and all his homeboys, you a basic bitch
-if you a black girl and your weave is red, green, purple, or blonde... you a basic bitch
-if you claim you independent, get wit a nigga, marry a nigga, have kids wit a nigga, take the nigga to court and ask for child support while you already gettin child support, you can kill yourself, you a basic bitch and you desperate
-if you tell a nigga you can throw down knowin damn well ur ass can't cook a raw egg.. you a basic bitch
-if you scared to fart or take a shit in front of ur mans knowin u been together for a year or two... you a basic bitch
-if you bend yo ass over in all yo pictures just to make it a lil bigger knowin you ain't got one, you a basic bitch

-if you and ur man got all yall clothes off and yall bout to have sex and you put yo hands up and say stop, you a basic bitch and you already knew what you were gettin urself into while he was kissin on yo neck
-if you sing any beyonce song all day erryday, somethin like "upgrade" and ain't nothin upgraded about you since high school in 92, kill yaself, u a basic bitch
-if you got 5 kids with 5 baby daddys.....yous basic bitch
-if you take any man on the Maury show knowin u coulda saved the trouble by testin him at the hospital.. yous a basic bitch
-if you FUCK every man in the world, "rehoecate", then put yo coochie on lock and act like you born again saved again christian, yous a basic bitch
if i see granny panties on anything you wear, ANYTHING! yous a basic bitch
-if you step up in the club with them fresh heals on, cold done, and the back of yo ankles ashy.. yous a basic bitch
-if you fuckin a man in the same bedroom as your baby in.. yous a basic bitch
-if you walk like a bitch, talk like a bitch and get mad when somebody call u a bitch... you a basic bitch
by thekaytwo August 9, 2009
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Word to describe a female who enjoys wearing and doing "mainstream" things. Such as listoning to music like Taylor swift and Katy perry. Wearing ugg boots or flip flops. Shopping at places like forever 21 and Abercrombie. Wearing shirts with brand logos on them. Using terms like "omg, or lol". Having a purse with a designer logo on it. Idolizing people like Kendall & Kylie Jenner. Posting millions of selfies on Instagram and tagging them. And drinking expensive coffee drinks from Starbucks. This term is somewhat masochistic, because believe me men can be basic also!
I don't fuck with that bitch, or any basic bitch for that matter.
by keephating7 June 6, 2015
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A girl that links her Tinder account with Instagram, just to get likes and followers.
I just matched this basic bitch on Tinder earlier, her entire profile was comprised of emojis.
by jasten skat June 11, 2015
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