"A presence can be felt by those who have followed thy saga as told by the Insane Clown Posse. It is a presence that is synonymous with thy crumbling of time itself. Thus emerges a being so powerful that he can exist between both the land of the living, and that of the dead. He goes by many names but is known to thy living only as the Wraith. He walks upon worlds forgotten, and descends from Heavens; fade into gray to witness thy death of all mortal things, so that he may guide thy departed upon thy path that they have chosen. Only now will we truly understand thy meaning of thy saga, for this saga all along, each Jokers Card, is actually none other than... thy echo of our lives.
The Wraith guides the departed to the path they have chosen.
by Amy December 6, 2003
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this is aka-the 6th joker card
this is the power to witness the death of all mortal things, it is also the echo of our lives
related to insane clown posse
i hope the wraith dwels over u from this moment on until the echo of ur life expires and the wraith will be there to finish his duty on u in the flesh and i hope the wraith will come soon for u (not really but ya) and all of us juggalos/juggalets will celebrate in the fago rain
by Jamie April 10, 2004
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the end of the world for all you fuckers, when the 2nd half the 6th jokers card comes out YA"LL AH FUCKEd , better be down or when shangri LAH comes to ya you fucked
MCL MCL MCL much clown love for those down with the fuckin wraith
by harry nedden July 27, 2003
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Stereotype for players that stream on Twitch TV. They try to play the game always on the edge, as they want to keep their "audience" entertained. Most of the times they don't have enough skill to back it up for this style of play, so they constantly fail and leave games as soon as possible to try again in another match.

Wraith because she is easily the best legend in the game, you'll see other legends being used for that too, but it's very rare.
*Gets in a lobby with a TTV wraith in the squad*

"Oh man, I already know what's gonna happen..."

*TTV Wraith relinquishes the jumpmaster and drops solo*
*TTV Wraith gets knocked down after engaging a full squad*
*TTV Wraith disconnects*

"I knew it! They are always like that."
by jogadorpadrao July 27, 2020
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A stereotype in the community of Apex Legends, usually described as a Twitch streamer who mains the character Wraith, trash talks, always has a Wingman in her inventory, never uses pings, rushes off towards the enemies instantly, and usually leave the match 0.1 seconds after getting knocked down.
Player 1: Aw shit, Wraith left the match. I was about to grab her banner!
Player 2: That guy must be a TTV Wraith.
by The7Guy November 11, 2020
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What is left of a highly esteemed person after a catastrophic blow to their reputation.
We can also see the staggering fact that after no more than two weeks on the job, Rosenstein’s public reputation, which was formidable, has been destroyed. He now joins a legion of Trump Dignity Wraiths, men and women (though mainly men) of once vaunted reputations or at least public prestige who have been reduced to mere husks of their former selves after crossing the Trump Dignity Loss Event Horizon.
by Montbeliard April 27, 2018
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