Someone who is commonly American and loves to get perms.
by Killboy101 April 27, 2021
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The most perfect girl you will ever meet, she has perfect eyes, perfect hair, and a perfect personality! She is a star in my eyes, and her eyes outshine the stars! She is gorgeous and the most amazing girl you will ever meet. If I could choose any girl in the world to love I'd choose megan whitty:)
Bob; megan whitty turns heads when she walks into the room
Steve; one second I'm looking at that megan whitty over there!:O
by BobSocks97 December 24, 2011
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Whitty, from the game Friday Night Funkin The best tiktoker known to humanity. They’re perfect in every way also very attractive! They’re a somewhat RP account. Amazing person I tell you! They are also very VERY hot I tell you and could easily make me turn red
“Hey y’know Whitty._.fnf._.Offical?”

“Of course I do. They’re the best person to exist!”
by Senpai._.fnf._.Offical April 9, 2021
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homo, drinks ensure every morning like a good little boy and gets wacked with his paddel
by hey whit February 26, 2003
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1) White boy
2) Has the biggest penis on the eastern sea board
by Dick Handler February 23, 2003
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