The part of the abdomen where the tit and the gut meet.
He lost food in his abnormally large tut.
by chickenwiing January 17, 2016
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when a fat girl's big tits rest on her huge gut
Damn dude look at that girl's tuts
by Mundzilla July 9, 2009
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"my tut hurts from all that slamming you gave me last night"
by kleecker June 2, 2004
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The single worst and most racist word
A tut can be described as a dick, a cunt, a prick, dickhead, piece of shit... pretty much whatever you want to call someone who’s pissing you off
Person 1: says some stupid shit
Person: stfu you tut
by Nssyt November 5, 2019
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Colloquial merging of 'to' and 'the', promenant in Western England.
"Shall we go tut pub?"
by Mac Ward April 6, 2006
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A short expression for a laugh - An audio version of "LOL"
>Why'd the chicken cross the road?
<I dunno
>To get to the other side
>Tut, dude that was almost funny.
by Loserwithnoshoes November 11, 2003
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