You either know what it is or you don't.

Tumblr should not be talked about in public or to people who don't have Tumblr.

Tumblr is freedom.
Me: *typing* Today I heard someone mention Tumblr in a public area, I weep for the future
by communication breakdown January 28, 2011
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Tumblelogs are miniblogs — a fast way to share links, photos, and videos without the bells and whistles of a regular blog.

Unlike blogs, tumblelogs are frequently used to share the author's creations, discoveries, or experiences while providing little or no commentary.
If blogs are journals, tumblr is a scrapbook.
by Launchd June 10, 2008
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It used to be a cool, non-judgemental site where you could be who you wanted to be, do what you want to do, and express whatever the fuck you want to express. And stuff.

Only now, there are wild vicious anon haters appearing at every damn corner of every blog, I'm telling you. Tumblr isn't safe, not any more. Nowhere is safe.
*Blogger expresses his/her feelings about something on his/her Tumblr*
*Anons swarm blogger's ask box, intent on delivering hate messages*
by Dk Man, Google It November 13, 2011
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A website filled with man-hating feminists who get upset about anything and everything because of "muh triggurs." They're so far into social justice that if you aren't a tri-gendered, omnisexual, panromantic, furrykin with schizophrenic ADHD and the ability to turn into a woman at will, you're a blight on the world and should kill yourself. Unless you want to change everything about yourself so people you'll never meet on the internet will like you, stay away from the site.
Tumblr is a breeding ground for the people that make up the pit stains on the shirt of life.
by Iamcraig August 11, 2014
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Tumblr loves them.
by Dr. Pedobear November 24, 2010
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The act of being on tumblr for hours and hours.
I was tumblring so hard last night I forgot to sleep but it's okay because I dipdyed my hair and got an american flag tank and combat boots, I'm a hipster now!
by wannabehipstah January 19, 2011
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