Touch My Intestine.

Self explanatory; can be used to throw people off guard in conversations and will bring instant humour/worry at the thought of you wanting to touch their intestine.
Becky: HAHA TMI!
Kieran: Tickling my insides?
Becky: No, touch my intestine!!

Kieran: WTF.
by Kierantmi July 27, 2010
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abreviation of to much information
omg look at her thats wayyyyy TMI
by sweetsuga17 August 4, 2006
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Stand for "Totally Masturbatable Information" thereby turning your embarassing moment into a much satisfying one.
Sam "Hey Joe, I think I have some feces on the back of ma pants."

Joe "TMI, man"

Sam "You sick fuck...wanna eat it off my rock hard bubble butt"

by Captain Duder January 16, 2009
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Too Much Incest. When you had a considerable amount of incest on a particular time period.
Citizen of Thebes: Hey Oedipus, hooked up with any girl lately?
Oedipus: My mom and I spent a weekend fucking each other.
Citizen of Thebes: Wow that's just TMI...
by Stef32 October 17, 2018
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TMI- it stands for Tickle My Insides.

A female might often say this on the bed seductively to get her partner or man for the night to get aroused and readied up. Or you could just say it to gross someone out.
Geoffrey- *gets out of shower*
Jane- Ohh Geoffreyyyy, you know I've been waiting for you to TMI.
Geoffrey- Too Much Information? What?
Jane- No silly, Tickle My Insides.
Geoffrey- Oh. Well now I'm losing my boner. Oh well, Dicks out for Harambe I guess.
by Boku No Rico September 5, 2016
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