When a super hot girl is half-naked in your house but you don't want to have sex with her... put her on cot!
You hooked up with a Russian girl on New Year's Eve, she is totally ready, and then she puked in your bathroom. And you no longer want to have sex with her. Then, you put her on a cot!
by ThirstyWursty July 6, 2019
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To have sex with a woman while she is flat on her back, legs in the air.
"It ain't the 69 or what you learned in class,
It's a position in sex that's done by the masters.
It increases the intensity of a fuck,
Legs up high, known as the buck."
- 2 Live Crew, "Put Her in the Buck"
by Dee-O May 1, 2008
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The sexual act where a man is standing up and a woman is bending over blowing him while getting fucked from behind by another man so she has so it looks like she is on a Rotisserie spicket.
Me and Steve put her on a spicket last night.
by Bridgeportarico October 16, 2017
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To put a woman or women on a sink for the purpose of easy access during sexual intercourse. Similar to putting a woman on a table during sex.
I took that girl stacey home. My friend was in my bed so I put her on the sink.
by Bist du ein coon July 9, 2014
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The act of wooing a woman which results in sexual intercourse, usually referring to a woman you have just met.
"I met up with Lucy last night she was gagging for it so i put her away!"
by Ian Lawlor January 19, 2007
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a compliment given to a female after cooking a very good dish. (same as put her foot into it.)
Man did you taste that sweet potato pie. She must have put her tits into it.
by David Young August 10, 2005
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Giving her what she wants in the bedroom an then gettin what I want , now she's in the room sleepin & I'm in the living room watching the game 🙌
Aye bro ima holla at y'all later I'm about go (put her to bed )
by ThugLovin May 23, 2017
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