A slur used around TikTok to explain Someone you really love , Someone you’d risk it all for. This slur can be used with loved ones , close friends , a pet or your partner. It’s Someone that has helped you through so much , When you were ever upset she/he was always there. They gave you a reason to live. And vice versa. Once this title to Her/Him is given it let’s them no that no matter what happens she/he is always they’re “Yellow”.
“He is My Yellow”
by The Truth With Urban March 14, 2021
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To suck ones yellow.

Used majority of the time in a negative light in a similar way to "Suck my Dick".

For reference, "yellow" has nothing to do with a man's penis.

Some would describe it as a gender neutral equivalent to Suck my Dick but I personally would argue otherwise since it has nothing to do with any reproductive organs.
Anon: "hey man, I disagree with you on a subject matter"
Tob: "oh, that's okay"
Anon: "just kidding, haha"
Tob: "fuck you, suck my yellow"
Anon: "please Tobias, stop this"
by HeHasHair November 18, 2017
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One of the many gems that come from the mighty brain of Homer Simpson.
Marge: According to this magazine, Bart might be jealous of her Lisa.
Homer: Well, Bart can kiss my hairy yellow butt.
by SixSixSixx September 30, 2006
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When someone turns you from a very sad person into a less sad person .
kate : why do you love me ??

john: you turned my blue into yellow
by Abc123babyuandme December 26, 2022
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Kassidy, Olivea, Emma, Mel, Bug, Zozo, Emily, London, Shay
People above are my yellows.. <3
by cool human is cool February 7, 2021
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Yellow is the person you are living for. The person you never knew you needed in your life but now cannot live without. The person the stars shine for and the person you'd bleed for.
by yourgabby January 27, 2021
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