Inexplicable. Describes a woman who is mean, bitchy, rude, and stuck up, yet beautiful, caring, funny, and loveable, all at the same time. She is an object of desire, lust, and adoration by all men (and even some women), and that of envy, jealousy, and hate by most women. She is amazing, in all aspects of the word.
"Wow that bitch was mean as hell. I want her. She's such a fucking Mallory. I have to get her number!"
by neverinyourdreams. November 10, 2006
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Someone who is book smart, but still a dumbass.
Only a Mallorie could get an A+ on a math test and still walk into a door.
by Satan's Best Bud. August 27, 2007
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Mallory is a awesome friend and sibling but she can be a butt sometimes. She always has your back no matter what and she is always happy . Loves basketball and hanging out with her team.
To my little sis Mallory
by Tribute March 20, 2018
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A sexy mama that is loved and looked up to by all. A Mallory possesses extreme radness and everyone wants one. See also mallorie.
She's just trying to be a Mallory, even though she sucks at everything.
by allen_mz2 February 19, 2006
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A silly kitty cat that is very intimidating but actually super nice
Me: Mallory scares me
Madi: No, she’s just a silly kitty cat
by Sh4dowBe4rd February 21, 2019
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A quiet girl who tries her best to make everyone happy. Many take advantage of her kindness for their own benefit. Mallory is someone who never shows her emotions or opinions. Someone who is not outgoing or popular and suffers from social anxiety. She has a charismatic attitude and love for creating and listening to music.
"That girl is too nice, she is such a Mallory. "

Roy: "Man, I have never heard that girl speak."
Jerry: "Yeah bro I know, it's because she's a Mallory."
by Gwendolyn:) February 5, 2017
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Mallory is the most amazing person you will ever meet. She is just the right mixture of hot and beautiful. She has the sweetest personality and is the kindest person you have ever known. I am so incredibly lucky to be her boyfriend and I hope that we will last for a long time.
Mallory is the best person you will ever meet.
by Zachariah_S January 9, 2018
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