A knuckles is a person who is a bad ass often using the catch phrase H.X.C (Hardcore) or often saying: Yo Yo Yo B Boy That Shits for Real Mutha Fucka’, for Shit, Bitch…Fuckin’ Ass and Blab Blab. Knuckles is also a sexual move where you shove your whole fist into a women's ass and say one or both of the two aforementioned catch phrases.
Johnny is a real Knuckles! or Yo dogg I gave my girlfriend a knuckles lastnight.
by John Romans December 8, 2007
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to steal someone's boyfriend or girlfriend
Sheila and Alicia were friends before Sheila knuckled her. Now Alicia dispises her. And her ex.
by Joe-Nay June 27, 2006
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insertion of one's fingers in another's anus past the middle knuckle
She said that she had never done any anal sex. But when I was knuckling her, I knew that she was lying.
by Gatz, Stewart January 19, 2011
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Put another knuckle in the bandit or fruit machine.

How many knuckles have you got ?
by Mixmaster Jazzy G April 1, 2004
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a friend, derived from the word negro- nigger- nigga- nikka- nukka- and finally knuckle.
wassssssssapp my knuckle?
by sam123123 September 10, 2006
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when you use your iddle finger knuckle to paralyze a person or persons
Man 1: i got in a fight last night

Man 2: Did you use your knuckle?
by JoOordan October 21, 2007
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When fisting is just a few knuckles away from actually happening and the pussy region suffers from knuckle abrasion
My man was trying to fist me, but his hands were so big that I just ended up getting knuckled.
by K#1 March 23, 2008
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